22.10 - Christian Niccoli, Untitled, Germany, 2013, 04:10
23.10 - Clara J:son Borg, Scores towards a baroque care, Netherlands, 2016, 06:06
24.10 - Veronika Burger, Songs of Fortune, Austria, 2015, 08:39
25.10 - Sofia Slonim, Anna Kobylchenko, Sergey Samodin, Sergey’s Dream, Russia, 2016, 05:18
26.10 - Keri Rosebraugh, A Letter to My Sister, Italy, 2015, 09:00
27.10 - Marie-France Giraudon, Entro(SCO)py, Canada, 2016, 15:30
29.10 - Pim Zwier, All what is somehow useful, the Netherlands, 2013, 07:38
30.10 – Natasha Dahnberg, Headache, Sweden, 2016, 02:40
1.11 - Anuk Miladinovic, Parting. Dedicated to RM, Switzerland, 2015, 07:31
2.11 - rc campos, Coal for your eyes to touch, Brazil, 2016, 03:20
3.11 - Nuno Manuel Pereira, The Kingdom, Portugal, 2013, 02:38
4.11 - Fonte&Poe, Claim, Italy, 2015, 02:42
5.11 - Takayuki Yoshida, Ponpoko Mountain, Japan, 2016, 10:00
6.11 - Jan Adriaans, Stay, the Netherlands, 2015, 06:21
7.11- Reza Golchin, Class, Iran, 2016, 01:49
8.11 - Benjamin Ramírez Pérez, A Fire in My Brain that Separates Us, Germany, 2015, 15:00
9.11 - Augustin Rebetez, Birds, Switzerland, 2014, 06:00
10.11 - Luca Ferri, Tottori, Italy, 2016, 06:00
11.11 - Ålena Artemenko, Soft Power, Russia, 2016, 10:00
12.11 - Lyuba Sautina, Plastic Flowers, Russia, 2016, 02:30
13.11 - Anna Lindemann, Beetle Bluffs, USA, 2013, 11:35
14.11- Alysse Stepanian, Pholip Mantiono, #MemoryoftheUniverse. Syria Planum: For Water for Oil, USA, 2016, 07:22
15.11 - Maryam Tafakory, Fragments of a Letter to a Child Unborn, UK, 2015, 05:00
16.11 - Nancy Wyllie, Moth Vitals, USA, 2015, 04:07
17.11 - Furen Dai, Commandments for Women, USA, 2015, 05:11
18.11 - Aida Colomenero Diaz, Exodus, Spain, 2015, 03:30
19.11 - Addoley Dzegede, The Crazies, USA, 2014, 02:51
20.11 - Slava Otrokhov, Anna Kortyukova, Albert Soldatov, New Cheremushki, Russia,2016, 12:30
22.11 - Yael Toren, Earth, Israel, 2015, 02:52
23.11 - Katerina Sidorova, Act 4. Farewell, the Netherlands, 2016, 05:00
24.11 - Jean-Michel Rolland, The Race, France, 2013, 03:45
25.11 - Frédéric Moffet, The Magic Hedge, Canada, 2015, 09:00
26.11 - Nick Jordan, The Atom Station, UK, 2015, 13:20
27.11 - Konstantin Krylovsky, A Letter to Lucy, Russia, 2016, 02:35
29.11 - Thomas Kyhn Rovsing Hjørnet, Discipline and phylogeny, Denmark, 2013, 01:42